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People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
Embassy of Algeria in Maputo

Arts and culture

Arts and culture

Algeria was formerly a strategic crossroads and a part of the country for the various civilizations which conquered her and which did not, at the same time, omit to put their imprints on the territory. Indeed, these peoples invaded Algeria and brought their traditions and thought, so influencing the art in particular the architecture. Today still, several Algerian cities keep the tracks of the old Punic cities, numides or Roman. Because actually, the history of Algeria before the Roman conquest is long, and nevertheless often underestimated. The numerous vestiges of the period numide, still perfectly kept today, prove that Algeria played an important role in the Mediterranean history. Numerous Algerian cities still carry the tracks of it prestigious inheritance: among sites collecting most vestiges we find cities as Tipaza, Cherchell, Djemila, Ténès or still Timgad. It should be noted that the antique vestiges concentrate mainly on the coastal band and the North of the country. In the South, the tracks of the previous generations go back up in farther. We so find several rock paintings dating the period of the Neolithic redrawing the everyday life of the ancestors of the inhabitants of the desert.

The Center

Not far from Algiers, modern and cosmopolitan capital, is antique so well preserved sites that we would not imagine that they saw spending thousands of years. Numerous cities are recognized for the beauty of these sites, it is the case in particular of Tipaza, Which we can admire vestiges in its archaeological park, very beautiful site by the sea shaded by pines and dominated by impressive Djebel Chenoua. On the West, the vestiges of the roman time demonstrate that Tipaza knew a remarkable development. In about ten km in the southeast of Tipaza, on Sidi Rached's road, we find the Mausoleum Royal Maurétanien, Also called the Grave of the Christian, classified in 1982 in the UNESCO world heritage. It is a vast mausoleum in the shape of cone, dating the IIth century before J.C., and rising in terraces about 40 meters. It is believed that he would have served as grave to king Juba II and in his wife Cléopâtre Séléné (girl of Cléopâtre of Egypt and Marc Antoine). Farther, there is Cherchell. Considered as the twin of Tipaza, Cherchell possesses one of the most beautiful museum of Algeria and a port dating the roman time, still used nowadays by the anglers. The Roman vestiges are so many to Cherchell that it was necessary to open the second museum, vaster, in the park of mosaics.


The Big western Erg shelters numerous prehistoric sites. Engravings representing animals and cut flints discovered in the palm grove of Taghit, reveal the existence and the importance of the Neolithic civilization. In about ten kilometers of Ouargla is the site of Sedrata, the old capital ibadite nicknamed the glorious for its prosperity. Destroyed in the XIth century, it was buried under sand dunes. It is that thanks to the air reconnaissance that it was able to be located. Searches allowed releasing some constructions that reveal their areas and their wealth. It is in hundred kilometers of Tamanrasset that the grave of the Tuareg queen Tin Hinan. But the southeast especially recognized for its rupestral engravings in particular on the mount Garet El Djnoun. We distinguish domesticated and wild animals there. These drawings would date of at least 2700 years BC, It is one of the most beautiful frescoes of Sahara.


Following the example of Oran, numerous cities of Oranie kept the Spanish influence. So the emblem of Oran is Strong Spanish of Santa Cruz, and Tlemcen, the second city of the region, is recognized for its Moresque buildings of the quality of those of Andalusia. Following the example of Oran, numerous cities of Oranie kept the Spanish influence. So the emblem of Oran is Strong Spanish of Santa Cruz, and Tlemcen, the second city of the region, is recognized for its Moresque buildings of the quality of those of Andalusia. Most of the big cities of the region were based(established) during the Middle Ages, only some cities as Ain Temouchent date Roman period. We can also see in the close neighborhood of Tiaret the prehistoric sites, the graves dating Berber kingdoms.


The region east from Algeria is the one that possesses the most plentiful reserve of archaeological remains. Most of these antique sites are classified and contribute to the fame of the region. To 30 km of Constantine, is the site of Tiddis, town numide which holds important vestiges of this period. Most of these antique sites are classified and contribute to the fame of the region. To 30 km of Constantine, is the site of Tiddis, town numide holding important vestiges of this period. This site was modified by the Romans, and arranged according to their system of urbanization. Not far, there is Cirta site’s which receives important vestiges. Annaba went to a lot of trouble to take out the antique city of eight centuries of forgetting. Finally, we find Timgad, The African Pompeii. Considered for its excellent state of preservation, the site of the Roman city of Thamugadi, classified in the world heritage of the humanity by the UNESCO in 1982, had to wait for the end of the XIXth century for the release of ruins. Timgad enjoys the rare privilege to know the exact date of his(her) foundation: in the year 100 ap. J.-C.par Emperor Trajean. Timgad enjoys the rare privilege to know the exact date of its foundation: in the year 100 ap. J.-C.par Emperor Trajean.

Portal dedicated to the Algerian Cultural Heritage

The Ministry of Culture launched a portal dedicated to the Algerian Cultural Heritage in order to highlight the richness and the diversity of the algerian culture components. The algerian cultural heritage website, aims to digitize and provide online these cultural components and make them accessible to the largest possible number of Internet users.

This new portal of algerian cultural heritage contains a rich and wide range of digital documents and foundations of learning about the various types of traditional and contemporary folk music in Algeria. It also includes a dedicated titles to material and non-material heritages, museums, historical and archaeological sites, cinema, theater, besides literature which contains poetries and books.

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